/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : Source Server Type : MySQL Source Server Version : 50722 Source Host : Source Schema : zuihou_column Target Server Type : MySQL Target Server Version : 50722 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 12/07/2020 23:48:30 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_application -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_application`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_application` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `client_id` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端ID', `client_secret` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端密码', `website` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '官网', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '应用名称', `icon` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '应用图标', `app_type` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型\n#{SERVER:服务应用;APP:手机应用;PC:PC网页应用;WAP:手机网页应用}\n', `describe_` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '是否启用', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `UN_APP_KEY` (`client_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='应用'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_application -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_application` VALUES (1, '0000', 'zuihou_ui', 'zuihou_ui_secret', 'http://tangyh.top:10000/zuihou-ui/', 'SaaS微服务管理后台', '', 'PC', '内置', b'1', 1, '2020-04-02 15:05:14', 1, '2020-04-02 15:05:17'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_application` VALUES (2, '0000', 'zuihou_admin_ui', 'zuihou_admin_ui_secret', 'http://tangyh.top:180/zuihou-admin-ui/', 'SaaS微服务超级管理后台', '', 'PC', '内置', b'1', 1, '2020-04-02 15:05:22', 1, '2020-04-02 15:05:19'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_menu -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_menu`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_menu` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `label` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `describe_` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `is_public` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '公共菜单\nTrue是无需分配所有人就可以访问的', `path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '路径', `component` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组件', `is_enable` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `sort_value` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `icon` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '菜单图标', `group_` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '分组', `parent_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '父级菜单ID', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `INX_STATUS` (`is_enable`,`is_public`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='菜单'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_menu -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (101, '0000', '用户中心', '用户组织机构', b'0', '/user', 'Layout', b'1', 1, 'el-icon-user-solid', '', 0, 1, '2019-07-25 15:35:12', 3, '2019-11-11 14:32:02'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (102, '0000', '权限管理', '管理权限相关', b'0', '/auth', 'Layout', b'1', 2, 'el-icon-lock', '', 0, 1, '2019-07-27 11:48:49', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:39'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (103, '0000', '基础配置', '基础的配置', b'0', '/base', 'Layout', b'1', 3, 'el-icon-set-up', '', 0, 1, '2019-11-11 14:38:29', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:42'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (104, '0000', '开发者管理', '开发者', b'0', '/developer', 'Layout', b'1', 4, 'el-icon-user-solid', '', 0, 1, '2019-11-11 14:38:34', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:44'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (105, '0000', '消息中心', '站内信', b'0', '/msgs', 'Layout', b'1', 5, 'el-icon-chat-line-square', '', 0, 1, '2019-11-11 14:38:32', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:47'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (106, '0000', '短信中心', '短信接口', b'0', '/sms', 'Layout', b'1', 6, 'el-icon-chat-line-round', '', 0, 1, '2019-11-11 14:38:36', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:49'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (107, '0000', '文件中心', '附件接口', b'0', '/file', 'Layout', b'1', 7, 'el-icon-folder-add', '', 0, 1, '2019-11-11 14:38:38', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:51'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (603976297063910529, '0000', '菜单配置', '', b'0', '/auth/menu', 'zuihou/auth/menu/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 102, 1, '2019-07-25 15:46:11', 3, '2019-11-11 14:31:52'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (603981723864141121, '0000', '角色管理', '', b'0', '/auth/role', 'zuihou/auth/role/Index', b'1', 1, '', '', 102, 1, '2019-07-25 16:07:45', 3, '2019-11-11 14:31:57'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (603982542332235201, '0000', '组织管理', '', b'0', '/user/org', 'zuihou/user/org/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 101, 1, '2019-07-25 16:11:00', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:40'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (603982713849908801, '0000', '岗位管理', '', b'0', '/user/station', 'zuihou/user/station/Index', b'1', 1, '', '', 101, 1, '2019-07-25 16:11:41', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:43'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (603983082961243905, '0000', '用户管理', '', b'0', '/user/user', 'zuihou/user/user/Index', b'1', 2, '', '', 101, 1, '2019-07-25 16:13:09', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:49'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605078371293987105, '0000', '数据字典维护', '', b'0', '/base/dict', 'zuihou/base/dict/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 103, 1, '2019-07-28 16:45:26', 3, '2019-11-11 14:34:23'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605078463069552993, '0000', '地区信息维护', '', b'0', '/base/area', 'zuihou/base/area/Index', b'1', 1, '', '', 103, 1, '2019-07-28 16:45:48', 3, '2019-11-11 14:34:26'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605078538881597857, '0000', '应用管理', '', b'0', '/developer/application', 'zuihou/developer/application/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:46:06', 3, '2019-12-25 16:19:43'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605078672772170209, '0000', '操作日志', '', b'0', '/developer/optLog', 'zuihou/developer/optLog/Index', b'1', 3, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:46:38', 3, '2019-11-11 14:35:14'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605078979149300257, '0000', '数据库监控', '', b'0', '/developer/db', 'zuihou/developer/db/Index', b'1', 2, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:47:51', 3, '2019-11-16 16:35:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605079239015793249, '0000', '接口文档', '', b'0', '', 'Layout', b'1', 5, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:48:53', 3, '2019-11-16 10:55:03'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605079411338773153, '0000', '注册&配置中心', '', b'0', '', 'Layout', b'1', 6, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:49:34', 3, '2019-11-16 10:55:06'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605079545585861345, '0000', '缓存监控', '', b'0', 'http://www.baidu.com', 'Layout', b'1', 7, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:50:06', 3, '2019-11-16 10:55:08'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605079658416833313, '0000', '服务器监控', '', b'0', '', 'Layout', b'1', 8, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:50:33', 3, '2019-11-16 10:55:15'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605079751035454305, '0000', '消息推送', '', b'0', '/msgs/sendMsgs', 'zuihou/msgs/sendMsgs/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 105, 1, '2019-07-28 16:50:55', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:30'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605080023753294753, '0000', '我的消息', '', b'0', '/msgs/myMsgs', 'zuihou/msgs/myMsgs/Index', b'1', 1, '', '', 105, 1, '2019-07-28 16:52:00', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:27'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605080107379327969, '0000', '账号配置', '', b'0', '/sms/template', 'zuihou/sms/template/Index', b'1', 1, '', '', 106, 1, '2019-07-28 16:52:20', 3, '2019-11-21 19:53:17'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605080359394083937, '0000', '短信管理', '', b'0', '/sms/manage', 'zuihou/sms/manage/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 106, 1, '2019-07-28 16:53:20', 3, '2019-11-21 19:53:09'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605080648767505601, '0000', '附件列表', '', b'0', '/file/attachment', 'zuihou/file/attachment/Index', b'1', 0, '', '', 107, 1, '2019-07-28 16:54:29', 3, '2019-11-11 14:28:07'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (605080816296396097, '0000', '定时调度中心', '', b'0', '', 'Layout', b'1', 9, '', '', 104, 1, '2019-07-28 16:55:09', 3, '2019-11-16 10:55:18'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643464272629728001, '0000', '务必详看', '', b'1', '/doc', 'zuihou/doc/Index', b'1', 0, 'el-icon-notebook-1', '', 0, 3, '2019-11-11 14:57:18', 3, '2019-11-11 15:01:31'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643464392888812545, '0000', '后端代码', '', b'1', 'https://github.com/zuihou/zuihou-admin-cloud', 'Layout', b'1', 1, '', '', 643464272629728001, 3, '2019-11-11 14:57:46', 3, '2019-11-11 15:00:05'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643464517879071841, '0000', '租户平台-前端代码', '', b'1', 'https://github.com/zuihou/zuihou-ui', 'Layout', b'1', 2, '', '', 643464272629728001, 3, '2019-11-11 14:58:16', 3, '2019-11-11 15:00:09'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643464706228487361, '0000', '运营平台-前端代码', '', b'1', 'https://github.com/zuihou/zuihou-admin-ui', 'Layout', b'1', 3, '', '', 643464272629728001, 3, '2019-11-11 14:59:01', 3, '2019-11-11 15:00:11'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643464953478514081, '0000', '在线文档', '', b'1', 'https://www.kancloud.cn/zuihou/zuihou-admin-cloud', 'Layout', b'1', 0, '', '', 643464272629728001, 3, '2019-11-11 15:00:00', 3, '2019-11-11 15:01:36'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (643874916004790785, '0000', '运营平台演示地址', NULL, b'1', '', 'Layout', b'1', 4, NULL, NULL, 643464272629728001, 3, '2019-11-12 18:09:03', 641577229343523041, '2019-12-04 16:20:13'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (644111530555611361, '0000', '链路调用监控', '', b'0', '', 'Layout', b'1', 10, '', '', 104, 3, '2019-11-13 09:49:16', 3, '2019-11-13 09:56:51'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (645215230518909025, '0000', '登录日志', '', b'0', '/developer/loginLog', 'zuihou/developer/loginLog/Index', b'1', 4, '', '', 104, 3, '2019-11-16 10:54:59', 3, '2019-11-16 10:54:59'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_menu` VALUES (1225042542827929600, '0000', '参数配置', '', b'0', '/base/parameter', 'zuihou/base/parameter/Index', b'1', 3, '', '', 103, 3, '2020-02-05 21:04:37', 3, '2020-02-05 21:04:37'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_resource -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_resource`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_resource` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `code` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '编码\n规则:\n链接:\n数据列:\n按钮:', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `menu_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单ID\n#c_auth_menu', `describe_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_CODE` (`code`,`tenant_code`) USING BTREE COMMENT '编码唯一' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='资源'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_resource -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100193, '0000', 'org:add', '添加', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:28', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100194, '0000', 'role:config', '配置', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:28', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100195, '0000', 'resource:add', '添加', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:28', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100196, '0000', 'resource:update', '修改', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:28', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100197, '0000', 'resource:delete', '删除', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:28', 3, '2019-11-11 13:39:50'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444685339100198, '0000', 'resource:view', '查看', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2020-04-05 19:02:42', 3, '2020-04-05 19:02:46'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444819758154945, '0000', 'org:update', '修改', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:00', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:00'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444858974897441, '0000', 'org:delete', '删除', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:09', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:09'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444897201784193, '0000', 'org:view', '查询', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:18', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:18'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643444992357959137, '0000', 'org:import', '导入', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:41', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:41'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445016773002817, '0000', 'org:export', '导出', 603982542332235201, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:47', 3, '2019-11-11 13:40:47'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445116756821697, '0000', 'station:add', '添加', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:11', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:11'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445162915137313, '0000', 'station:update', '修改', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:22', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:22'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445197954353025, '0000', 'station:delete', '删除', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:30', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:30'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445229575210977, '0000', 'station:view', '查看', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:38', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:38'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445262110427201, '0000', 'station:export', '导出', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:45', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:45'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445283996305569, '0000', 'station:import', '导入', 603982713849908801, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:51', 3, '2019-11-11 13:41:51'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445352703199521, '0000', 'user:add', '添加', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:07', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:07'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445412774021505, '0000', 'user:update', '修改', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:21', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:21'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445448081672673, '0000', 'user:delete', '删除', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:30', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:30'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445477274028609, '0000', 'user:view', '查看', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:37', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:37'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445514607528609, '0000', 'user:import', '导入', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:46', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:46'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445542076025601, '0000', 'user:export', '导出', 603983082961243905, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:52', 3, '2019-11-11 13:42:52'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445641149680705, '0000', 'menu:add', '添加', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:16', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:16'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445674330819745, '0000', 'menu:update', '修改', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:24', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:24'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445704177487105, '0000', 'menu:delete', '删除', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:31', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:31'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445747320098145, '0000', 'menu:view', '查看', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:41', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:41'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445774687931841, '0000', 'menu:export', '导出', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:48', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:48'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643445802106097185, '0000', 'menu:import', '导入', 603976297063910529, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:54', 3, '2019-11-11 13:43:54'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448338154263521, '0000', 'role:add', '添加', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:53:59', 3, '2019-11-11 13:53:59'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448369779315777, '0000', 'role:update', '修改', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:54:06', 3, '2019-11-11 13:54:06'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448507767723169, '0000', 'role:delete', '删除', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:54:39', 3, '2019-11-11 13:54:39'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448611161511169, '0000', 'role:view', '查看', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:04', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:04'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448656451605857, '0000', 'role:export', '导出', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:15', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:15'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448730950833601, '0000', 'role:import', '导入', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:32', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:32'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643448826945869409, '0000', 'role:auth', '授权', 603981723864141121, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:55', 3, '2019-11-11 13:55:55'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643449540959016737, '0000', 'dict:add', '添加', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:58:45', 3, '2019-11-11 13:58:45'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643449573045442433, '0000', 'dict:update', '修改', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:58:53', 3, '2019-11-11 13:58:53'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643449629173618657, '0000', 'dict:view', '查看', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 13:59:07', 3, '2019-11-11 13:59:07'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643449944866297985, '0000', 'dict:delete', '删除', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:22', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:22'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643449998909905121, '0000', 'dict:export', '导出', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:35', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:35'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450072595437889, '0000', 'dict:import', '导入', 605078371293987105, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:52', 3, '2019-11-11 14:00:52'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450171333548481, '0000', 'area:add', '添加', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:16', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:16'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450210449627681, '0000', 'area:update', '修改', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:25', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:25'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450295858240129, '0000', 'area:delete', '删除', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:45', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:45'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450326619265761, '0000', 'area:view', '查看', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:53', 3, '2019-11-11 14:01:53'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450551291353921, '0000', 'area:export', '导出', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:02:46', 3, '2019-11-11 14:02:46'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450602218593185, '0000', 'area:import', '导入', 605078463069552993, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:02:59', 3, '2019-11-11 14:02:59'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450770317909249, '0000', 'optLog:view', '查看', 605078672772170209, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:03:39', 3, '2019-11-11 14:03:39'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643450853134441825, '0000', 'optLog:export', '导出', 605078672772170209, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:03:58', 3, '2019-11-11 14:03:58'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643451893279892129, '0000', 'msgs:view', '查看', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:06', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:06'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643451945020826369, '0000', 'msgs:delete', '删除', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:19', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:19'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643451994945626977, '0000', 'msgs:update', '修改', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:31', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:31'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452086981239745, '0000', 'msgs:export', '导出', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:53', 3, '2019-11-11 14:08:53'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452393857492033, '0000', 'sms:template:add', '添加', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:06', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:06'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452429496493217, '0000', 'sms:template:update', '修改', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:14', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:14'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452458693043457, '0000', 'sms:template:view', '查看', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:21', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:21'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452488447436129, '0000', 'sms:template:delete', '删除', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:28', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:28'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452536954561985, '0000', 'sms:template:import', '导入', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:40', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:40'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643452571645650465, '0000', 'sms:template:export', '导入', 605080107379327969, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:48', 3, '2019-11-11 14:10:48'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643454073500084577, '0000', 'sms:manage:add', '添加', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:16:46', 3, '2019-11-11 14:16:46'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643454110992968129, '0000', 'sms:manage:update', '修改', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:16:55', 3, '2019-11-11 14:16:55'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643454150905965089, '0000', 'sms:manage:view', '查看', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:17:05', 3, '2019-11-11 14:17:05'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643454825052252961, '0000', 'sms:manage:delete', '删除', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:19:45', 3, '2019-11-11 14:19:45'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643455175503129569, '0000', 'sms:manage:export', '导出', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:21:09', 3, '2019-11-11 14:26:05'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643455720519380097, '0000', 'sms:manage:import', '导入', 605080359394083937, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:23:19', 3, '2019-11-11 14:23:19'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643456690892582401, '0000', 'file:add', '添加', 605080648767505601, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:10', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:10'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643456724186967649, '0000', 'file:update', '修改', 605080648767505601, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:18', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:18'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643456761927315137, '0000', 'file:delete', '删除', 605080648767505601, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:27', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:27'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643456789920100129, '0000', 'file:view', '查看', 605080648767505601, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:34', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:34'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (643456884694593409, '0000', 'file:download', '下载', 605080648767505601, '', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:56', 3, '2019-11-11 14:27:56'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (645288214990422241, '0000', 'optLog:delete', '删除', 605078672772170209, '', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:00', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:00'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (645288283693121889, '0000', 'loginLog:delete', '删除', 645215230518909025, '', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:16', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:16'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (645288375300915649, '0000', 'loginLog:export', '导出', 645215230518909025, '', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:38', 3, '2019-11-16 15:45:38'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (658002570005972001, '0000', 'msgs:add', '新增', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-12-21 17:47:18', 3, '2019-12-21 17:47:18'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (658002632467547265, '0000', 'msgs:mark', '标记已读', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2019-12-21 17:47:33', 3, '2019-12-21 17:47:33'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (659702641965662497, '0000', 'application:add', '新增', 605078538881597857, '', 3, '2019-12-26 10:22:47', 3, '2019-12-26 10:22:47'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (659702674622513537, '0000', 'application:update', '修改', 605078538881597857, '', 3, '2019-12-26 10:22:55', 3, '2019-12-26 10:22:55'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (659702756889592289, '0000', 'application:delete', '删除', 605078538881597857, '', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:14', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:14'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (659702791312245313, '0000', 'application:view', '查看', 605078538881597857, '', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:22', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:22'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (659702853945787041, '0000', 'application:export', '导出', 605078538881597857, '', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:37', 3, '2019-12-26 10:23:37'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1225042691843162112, '0000', 'parameter:add', '添加', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-02-05 21:05:13', 3, '2020-02-05 21:05:13'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1225042821497487360, '0000', 'parameter:update', '修改', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-02-05 21:05:43', 3, '2020-02-05 21:05:43'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1225042949172101120, '0000', 'parameter:delete', '删除', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-02-05 21:06:14', 3, '2020-02-05 21:06:14'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1225043012455759872, '0000', 'parameter:export', '导出', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-02-05 21:06:29', 3, '2020-02-05 21:06:29'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1237035586045345792, '0000', 'parameter:import', '导入', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-03-09 23:20:41', 3, '2020-03-09 23:20:41'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1237035798587506688, '0000', 'msgs:import', '导入', 605080023753294753, '', 3, '2020-03-09 23:21:32', 3, '2020-03-09 23:21:32'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1246066924136169472, '0000', 'parameter:view', '查看', 1225042542827929600, '', 3, '2020-04-03 21:28:00', 3, '2020-04-03 21:28:00'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_resource` VALUES (1246067318035841024, '0000', 'loginLog:view', '查看', 645215230518909025, '', 3, '2020-04-03 21:29:34', 3, '2020-04-03 21:29:34'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_role -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_role`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_role` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '编码', `describe_` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `readonly` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否内置角色', `ds_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'SELF' COMMENT '数据权限类型\n#DataScopeType{ALL:1,全部;THIS_LEVEL:2,本级;THIS_LEVEL_CHILDREN:3,本级以及子级;CUSTOMIZE:4,自定义;SELF:5,个人;}', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_CODE` (`code`,`tenant_code`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='角色'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_role -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_role` VALUES (100, '0000', '平台管理员', 'PT_ADMIN', '平台内置管理员', b'1', b'1', 'ALL', 1, '2019-10-25 13:46:00', 3, '2020-02-13 11:05:28'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_role_authority -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_role_authority`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_role_authority` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `authority_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '资源id\n#c_auth_resource\n#c_auth_menu', `authority_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MENU' COMMENT '权限类型\n#AuthorizeType{MENU:菜单;RESOURCE:资源;}', `role_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色id\n#c_auth_role', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_KEY` (`role_id`,`authority_type`,`authority_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='角色的资源'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_role_authority -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (643444685339100198, '0000', 643444685339100198, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-05 19:03:08', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572630093824, '0000', 643445116756821697, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572646871040, '0000', 643444685339100197, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572651065344, '0000', 643444685339100196, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572651065345, '0000', 643450072595437889, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572651065346, '0000', 643444685339100193, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572659453952, '0000', 643444685339100195, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572659453953, '0000', 659702853945787041, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572663648256, '0000', 643444685339100194, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572663648257, '0000', 1225042949172101120, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572667842560, '0000', 643445197954353025, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572667842561, '0000', 1246067318035841024, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572667842562, '0000', 1232574830335754240, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572672036864, '0000', 1225043012455759872, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572672036865, '0000', 643445262110427201, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572672036866, '0000', 643450853134441825, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572676231168, '0000', 643445774687931841, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572676231169, '0000', 1225984228617879552, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572676231170, '0000', 659702756889592289, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572680425472, '0000', 643450551291353921, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572680425473, '0000', 643452458693043457, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572680425474, '0000', 643454110992968129, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572684619776, '0000', 643445016773002817, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572684619778, '0000', 643445162915137313, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572688814080, '0000', 643445229575210977, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572688814081, '0000', 1225984389242945536, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572693008384, '0000', 643448369779315777, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572693008385, '0000', 643454825052252961, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572697202688, '0000', 643456884694593409, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572697202689, '0000', 643445704177487105, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572701396992, '0000', 658002570005972001, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572701396993, '0000', 643451893279892129, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572701396994, '0000', 643445283996305569, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572705591296, '0000', 643451994945626977, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572705591297, '0000', 643445542076025601, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572705591298, '0000', 645288214990422241, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572709785600, '0000', 643450602218593185, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572709785601, '0000', 643450326619265761, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572709785602, '0000', 643456724186967649, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572713979904, '0000', 643445448081672673, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572713979905, '0000', 643448611161511169, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572713979906, '0000', 643445802106097185, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572718174208, '0000', 643448826945869409, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572718174209, '0000', 643452536954561985, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572718174210, '0000', 1225984359173980160, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572718174211, '0000', 643445514607528609, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572722368512, '0000', 1246066924136169472, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572722368513, '0000', 643448507767723169, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572726562816, '0000', 643450295858240129, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572726562817, '0000', 643449998909905121, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572726562818, '0000', 645288283693121889, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572726562819, '0000', 643444897201784193, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572730757120, '0000', 643448730950833601, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572730757121, '0000', 643456690892582401, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572730757122, '0000', 643445412774021505, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572734951424, '0000', 1237035586045345792, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572734951425, '0000', 643448656451605857, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572734951426, '0000', 643450171333548481, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572734951427, '0000', 643456761927315137, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572739145728, '0000', 643445477274028609, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572739145729, '0000', 1225984257483079680, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572739145730, '0000', 643445352703199521, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572739145731, '0000', 643445747320098145, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572743340032, '0000', 643452571645650465, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572743340033, '0000', 643444858974897441, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572743340034, '0000', 643449944866297985, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572747534336, '0000', 643450770317909249, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572747534337, '0000', 1225984321857257472, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572747534338, '0000', 643455720519380097, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572751728640, '0000', 643450210449627681, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572751728642, '0000', 643444992357959137, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572755922944, '0000', 643456789920100129, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572755922945, '0000', 659702641965662497, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572755922946, '0000', 658002632467547265, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572760117248, '0000', 643445641149680705, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572760117249, '0000', 643444819758154945, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572764311552, '0000', 643449629173618657, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572764311553, '0000', 643451945020826369, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572764311554, '0000', 643448338154263521, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572768505856, '0000', 643449573045442433, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572768505857, '0000', 1225042691843162112, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572768505858, '0000', 659702791312245313, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572772700160, '0000', 643452429496493217, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572772700161, '0000', 643454073500084577, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572772700162, '0000', 643455175503129569, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572772700163, '0000', 643445674330819745, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572776894464, '0000', 643452393857492033, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572776894465, '0000', 1237035798587506688, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572776894466, '0000', 643454150905965089, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572781088768, '0000', 643452086981239745, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572781088769, '0000', 645288375300915649, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572781088770, '0000', 643452488447436129, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572781088771, '0000', 659702674622513537, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572785283072, '0000', 1225042821497487360, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572785283074, '0000', 643449540959016737, 'RESOURCE', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572785283075, '0000', 645215230518909025, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572789477376, '0000', 605079411338773153, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572789477377, '0000', 605080648767505601, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572789477378, '0000', 603983082961243905, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572793671680, '0000', 603982542332235201, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572793671681, '0000', 603981723864141121, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572797865984, '0000', 605078371293987105, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572797865985, '0000', 644111530555611361, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572797865986, '0000', 605079751035454305, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572802060288, '0000', 605080023753294753, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572802060289, '0000', 605079239015793249, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572802060290, '0000', 605078672772170209, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572802060291, '0000', 603976297063910529, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572806254592, '0000', 605079545585861345, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572806254593, '0000', 605080107379327969, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572806254594, '0000', 605078979149300257, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572806254595, '0000', 101, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572810448896, '0000', 605080359394083937, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572810448897, '0000', 102, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572810448898, '0000', 103, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572810448899, '0000', 104, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572814643200, '0000', 105, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572814643201, '0000', 106, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572814643202, '0000', 107, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572814643203, '0000', 605078463069552993, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572818837504, '0000', 605080816296396097, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572818837505, '0000', 1225042542827929600, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572818837506, '0000', 603982713849908801, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572823031808, '0000', 605079658416833313, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_authority` VALUES (1246067572823031809, '0000', 605078538881597857, 'MENU', 100, '2020-04-03 21:30:35', 3); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_role_org -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_role_org`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_role_org` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `role_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色ID\n#c_auth_role', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '部门ID\n#c_core_org', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='角色组织关系'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_role_org -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863468331008, '0000', 100, 100, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863493496832, '0000', 100, 101, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863497691136, '0000', 100, 102, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863497691137, '0000', 100, 643775612976106881, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863501885440, '0000', 100, 643775664683486689, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863501885441, '0000', 100, 643775904077582049, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863506079744, '0000', 100, 643776324342648929, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863506079745, '0000', 100, 643776407691858113, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863510274048, '0000', 100, 643776508795556193, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863514468352, '0000', 100, 643776594376135105, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863514468353, '0000', 100, 643776633823564321, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863514468354, '0000', 100, 643776668917305985, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863518662656, '0000', 100, 643776713909605089, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); INSERT INTO `c_auth_role_org` VALUES (1227790863518662657, '0000', 100, 643776757199016769, '2020-02-13 11:05:28', 3); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_user -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_user`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_user` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `account` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT '账号', `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织ID\n#c_core_org\n@InjectionField(api = ORG_ID_CLASS, method = ORG_ID_METHOD, beanClass = Org.class) RemoteData', `station_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '岗位ID\n#c_core_station\n@InjectionField(api = STATION_ID_CLASS, method = STATION_ID_NAME_METHOD) RemoteData', `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '邮箱', `mobile` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '手机', `sex` varchar(1) DEFAULT 'N' COMMENT '性别\n#Sex{W:女;M:男;N:未知}', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '状态 \n1启用 0禁用', `avatar` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '头像', `nation` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '民族\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD, dictType = DictionaryType.NATION) RemoteData\n', `education` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学历\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD) RemoteData', `position_status` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '职位状态\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD) RemoteData', `work_describe` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '工作描述\r\n比如: 市长、管理员、局长等等 用于登陆展示', `password_error_last_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后一次输错密码时间', `password_error_num` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '密码错误次数', `password_expire_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '密码过期时间', `password` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '密码', `last_login_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后登录时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_ACCOUNT` (`account`,`tenant_code`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='用户'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_user -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_user` VALUES (3, '0000', 'zuihou', '平台超管', 100, 100, '244387061@qq.com', '15218869991', 'W', b'1', 'cnrhVkzwxjPwAaCfPbdc.png', 'mz_hanz', 'BOSHI', 'WORKING', '疯狂加班111', '2020-04-04 18:59:08', 0, NULL, 'd9d17d88918aa72834289edaf38f42e2', '2020-04-04 18:59:08', 1, '2019-09-02 11:32:02', 3, '2020-04-03 22:01:34'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_user` VALUES (641577229343523041, '0000', 'test', '总经理', 102, 100, '', '', 'N', b'1', '', 'mz_zz', 'COLLEGE', 'WORKING', '', '2019-12-21 16:45:13', 0, NULL, 'd9d17d88918aa72834289edaf38f42e2', '2019-12-21 16:45:14', 3, '2019-11-06 09:58:56', 3, '2019-11-26 11:02:42'); INSERT INTO `c_auth_user` VALUES (641590096981656001, '0000', 'manong', '码农', 643776594376135105, 642032719487828225, '', '', 'M', b'1', '', 'mz_mz', 'ZHUANKE', 'LEAVE', '122', '2020-02-22 12:32:35', 0, NULL, 'd9d17d88918aa72834289edaf38f42e2', '2020-02-22 12:32:35', 3, '2019-11-06 10:50:01', 3, '2019-11-26 20:27:48'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_user_role -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_user_role`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_user_role` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `role_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '角色ID\n#c_auth_role', `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '用户ID\n#c_core_accou', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人ID', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_KEY` (`role_id`,`user_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='角色分配\r\n账号角色绑定'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_auth_user_role -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_auth_user_role` VALUES (634707503061401697, '0000', 100, 3, 1, '2019-10-18 11:01:01'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_auth_user_token -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_auth_user_token`; CREATE TABLE `c_auth_user_token` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `login_ip` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录IP', `location` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录地点', `client_id` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客户端Key', `token` text COMMENT 'token', `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '姓名', `expire_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '过期时间', `account` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '账号', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录人ID', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='token'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_area -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_area`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_area` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'id', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `code` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '编码', `label` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `full_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '全名', `sort_value` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `longitude` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '经度', `latitude` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '维度', `level` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '行政区级\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD) RemoteData\n\n', `source_` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数据来源', `parent_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '父ID', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_CODE` (`tenant_code`,`code`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_PARENT_ID` (`parent_id`,`label`) USING BTREE COMMENT '查询' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='地区表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_dictionary -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_dictionary`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_dictionary` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `type_` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '编码\r\n一颗树仅仅有一个统一的编码', `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `describe_` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `status_` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='字典类型'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_common_dictionary -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary` VALUES (1, '0000', 'NATION', '民族', '', b'1', 1, '2019-06-01 09:42:50', 1, '2019-06-01 09:42:54'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary` VALUES (2, '0000', 'POSITION_STATUS', '在职状态', '', b'1', 1, '2019-06-04 11:37:15', 1, '2019-06-04 11:37:15'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary` VALUES (3, '0000', 'EDUCATION', '学历', '', b'1', 1, '2019-06-04 11:33:52', 1, '2019-06-04 11:33:52'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary` VALUES (4, '0000', 'AREA_LEVEL', '行政区级', '', b'1', 3, '2020-01-20 15:12:05', 3, '2020-01-20 15:12:05'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_dictionary_item -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_dictionary_item`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_dictionary_item` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `dictionary_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '类型ID', `dictionary_type` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '类型', `code` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '编码', `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `status_` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `describe_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `sort_value` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `dict_code_item_code_uniq` (`dictionary_type`,`code`) USING BTREE COMMENT '字典编码与字典项目编码联合唯一' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='字典项'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_common_dictionary_item -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1, '0000', 4, 'AREA_LEVEL', 'COUNTRY', '国家', b'1', '', 1, 3, '2020-01-20 15:12:57', 3, '2020-01-20 15:12:57'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (2, '0000', 4, 'AREA_LEVEL', 'PROVINCE', '省份/直辖市', b'1', '', 2, 3, '2020-01-20 15:13:45', 3, '2020-01-20 15:13:45'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (3, '0000', 4, 'AREA_LEVEL', 'CITY', '地市', b'1', '', 3, 3, '2020-01-20 15:14:16', 3, '2020-01-20 15:14:16'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (4, '0000', 4, 'AREA_LEVEL', 'COUNTY', '区县', b'1', '', 4, 3, '2020-01-20 15:14:54', 3, '2020-01-20 15:14:54'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (38, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'ZHUANKE', '专科', b'1', '', 4, 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29', 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (39, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'COLLEGE', '本科', b'1', '', 5, 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:19', 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:19'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (40, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'SUOSHI', '硕士', b'1', '', 6, 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29', 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (41, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'BOSHI', '博士', b'1', '', 7, 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29', 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (42, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'BOSHIHOU', '博士后', b'1', '', 8, 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29', 1, '2019-06-04 11:36:29'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (43, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_hanz', '汉族', b'1', '', 0, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (44, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_zz', '壮族', b'1', '', 1, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (45, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_mz', '满族', b'1', '', 2, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (46, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_hz', '回族', b'1', '', 3, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (47, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_miaoz', '苗族', b'1', '', 4, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (48, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_wwez', '维吾尔族', b'1', '', 5, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (49, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_tjz', '土家族', b'1', '', 6, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (50, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_yz', '彝族', b'1', '', 7, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (51, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_mgz', '蒙古族', b'1', '', 8, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (52, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_zhangz', '藏族', b'1', '', 9, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (53, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_byz', '布依族', b'1', '', 10, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (54, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_dz', '侗族', b'1', '', 11, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (55, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_yaoz', '瑶族', b'1', '', 12, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (56, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_cxz', '朝鲜族', b'1', '', 13, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (57, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_bz', '白族', b'1', '', 14, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (58, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_hnz', '哈尼族', b'1', '', 15, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (59, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_hskz', '哈萨克族', b'1', '', 16, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (60, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_lz', '黎族', b'1', '', 17, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (61, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_daiz', '傣族', b'1', '', 18, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (62, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_sz', '畲族', b'1', '', 19, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (63, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_llz', '傈僳族', b'1', '', 20, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (64, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_glz', '仡佬族', b'1', '', 21, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (65, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_dxz', '东乡族', b'1', '', 22, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (66, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_gsz', '高山族', b'1', '', 23, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (67, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_lhz', '拉祜族', b'1', '', 24, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (68, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_shuiz', '水族', b'1', '', 25, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (69, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_wz', '佤族', b'1', '', 26, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (70, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_nxz', '纳西族', b'1', '', 27, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (71, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_qz', '羌族', b'1', '', 28, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (72, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_tz', '土族', b'1', '', 29, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (73, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_zlz', '仫佬族', b'1', '', 30, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (74, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_xbz', '锡伯族', b'1', '', 31, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (75, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_kehzz', '柯尔克孜族', b'1', '', 32, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (76, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_dwz', '达斡尔族', b'1', '', 33, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (77, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_jpz', '景颇族', b'1', '', 34, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (78, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_mlz', '毛南族', b'1', '', 35, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (79, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_slz', '撒拉族', b'1', '', 36, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (80, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_tjkz', '塔吉克族', b'1', '', 37, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (81, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_acz', '阿昌族', b'1', '', 38, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (82, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_pmz', '普米族', b'1', '', 39, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (83, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_ewkz', '鄂温克族', b'1', '', 40, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (84, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_nz', '怒族', b'1', '', 41, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (85, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_jz', '京族', b'1', '', 42, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (86, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_jnz', '基诺族', b'1', '', 43, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (87, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_daz', '德昂族', b'1', '', 44, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (88, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_baz', '保安族', b'1', '', 45, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (89, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_elsz', '俄罗斯族', b'1', '', 46, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (90, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_ygz', '裕固族', b'1', '', 47, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (91, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_wzbkz', '乌兹别克族', b'1', '', 48, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (92, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_mbz', '门巴族', b'1', '', 49, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (93, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_elcz', '鄂伦春族', b'1', '', 50, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (94, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_dlz', '独龙族', b'1', '', 51, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (95, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_tkez', '塔塔尔族', b'1', '', 52, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (96, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_hzz', '赫哲族', b'1', '', 53, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (97, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_lbz', '珞巴族', b'1', '', 54, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (98, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_blz', '布朗族', b'1', '', 55, 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:01', 1, '2018-03-15 20:11:04'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (99, '0000', 2, 'POSITION_STATUS', 'WORKING', '在职', b'1', '', 1, 1, '2019-06-04 11:38:16', 1, '2019-06-04 11:38:16'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (100, '0000', 2, 'POSITION_STATUS', 'QUIT', '离职', b'1', '', 2, 1, '2019-06-04 11:38:50', 1, '2019-06-04 11:38:50'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237038877428940800, '0000', 4, 'AREA_LEVEL', 'TOWNS', '乡镇', b'1', '', 5, 3, '2020-03-09 23:33:46', 3, '2020-03-09 23:33:46'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237038991044247552, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'XIAOXUE', '小学', b'1', '', 1, 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:13', 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:13'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237039071537135616, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'ZHONGXUE', '中学', b'1', '', 2, 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:32', 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:32'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237039105171259392, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'GAOZHONG', '高中', b'1', '', 3, 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:40', 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:40'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237039160271831040, '0000', 3, 'EDUCATION', 'QITA', '其他', b'1', '', 20, 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:54', 3, '2020-03-09 23:34:54'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237040064488275968, '0000', 1, 'NATION', 'mz_qt', '其他', b'1', '', 100, 3, '2020-03-09 23:38:29', 3, '2020-03-09 23:38:29'); INSERT INTO `c_common_dictionary_item` VALUES (1237040319480987648, '0000', 2, 'POSITION_STATUS', 'LEAVE', '请假', b'1', '', 3, 3, '2020-03-09 23:39:30', 3, '2020-03-09 23:39:30'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_login_log -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_login_log`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_login_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `request_ip` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登录IP', `user_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录人ID', `user_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录人姓名', `account` varchar(30) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登录人账号', `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登录描述', `login_date` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录时间', `ua` varchar(500) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '浏览器请求头', `browser` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '浏览器名称', `browser_version` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '浏览器版本', `operating_system` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作系统', `location` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '登录地点', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_BROWSER` (`browser`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_OPERATING` (`operating_system`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_LOGIN_DATE` (`login_date`,`account`) USING BTREE, KEY `IDX_ACCOUNT_IP` (`account`,`request_ip`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='登录日志'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_opt_log -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_opt_log`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_opt_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `request_ip` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '操作IP', `type` varchar(5) DEFAULT 'OPT' COMMENT '日志类型\n#LogType{OPT:操作类型;EX:异常类型}', `user_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '操作人', `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '操作描述', `class_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '类路径', `action_method` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '请求方法', `request_uri` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '请求地址', `http_method` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'GET' COMMENT '请求类型\n#HttpMethod{GET:GET请求;POST:POST请求;PUT:PUT请求;DELETE:DELETE请求;PATCH:PATCH请求;TRACE:TRACE请求;HEAD:HEAD请求;OPTIONS:OPTIONS请求;}', `params` longtext COMMENT '请求参数', `result` longtext COMMENT '返回值', `ex_desc` longtext COMMENT '异常详情信息', `ex_detail` longtext COMMENT '异常描述', `start_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '开始时间', `finish_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '完成时间', `consuming_time` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '消耗时间', `ua` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '浏览器', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, KEY `index_type` (`type`) USING BTREE COMMENT '日志类型' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='系统日志'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_common_parameter -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_common_parameter`; CREATE TABLE `c_common_parameter` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `key_` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '参数键', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '参数名称', `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '参数值', `describe_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `status_` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `readonly_` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '只读', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_KEY` (`tenant_code`,`key_`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='参数配置'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_common_parameter -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_common_parameter` VALUES (1, '0000', 'LOGIN_POLICY', '登录策略', 'MANY', 'ONLY_ONE:一个用户只能登录一次; MANY:用户可以任意登录; ONLY_ONE_CLIENT:一个用户在一个应用只能登录一次', b'1', b'1', 1, '2020-04-02 21:56:19', 3, '2020-04-03 01:12:32'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_core_org -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_core_org`; CREATE TABLE `c_core_org` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `label` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `abbreviation` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '简称', `parent_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '父ID', `tree_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT ',' COMMENT '树结构', `sort_value` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `describe_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, FULLTEXT KEY `FU_PATH` (`tree_path`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='组织'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_core_org -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (100, '0000', '最后集团股份有限公司', '最后集团2', 0, ',', 1, b'1', '初始化数据', '2019-07-10 17:02:18', 1, '2019-07-10 17:02:16', 1); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (101, '0000', '最后集团股份有限公司广州子公司', '广州最后集团', 100, ',100,', 0, b'1', '初始化数据', '2019-08-06 09:10:53', 1, '2019-11-12 11:36:48', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (102, '0000', '最后集团股份有限公司北京分公司', '北京最后集团', 100, ',100,', 1, b'1', '初始化数据', '2019-11-07 16:13:09', 1, '2019-11-07 16:13:12', 1); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643775612976106881, '0000', '综合部', '', 101, ',100,101,', 0, b'1', '前台&HR', '2019-11-12 11:34:27', 3, '2019-11-12 11:34:27', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643775664683486689, '0000', '管理层', '', 100, ',100,', 3, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:34:39', 3, '2019-11-12 11:36:16', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643775904077582049, '0000', '总经办', '', 100, ',100,', 2, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:35:37', 3, '2019-11-12 11:36:52', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776324342648929, '0000', '财务部', '', 100, ',100,', 4, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:37:17', 3, '2019-11-12 11:37:40', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776407691858113, '0000', '市场部', '', 100, ',100,', 5, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:37:37', 3, '2019-11-12 11:37:37', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776508795556193, '0000', '销售部', '', 100, ',100,', 6, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:38:01', 3, '2019-11-12 11:38:01', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776594376135105, '0000', '研发部', '', 101, ',100,101,', 1, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:38:21', 3, '2019-11-12 11:38:21', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776633823564321, '0000', '产品部', '', 101, ',100,101,', 2, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:38:31', 3, '2019-11-12 11:38:31', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776668917305985, '0000', '综合部', '', 102, ',100,102,', 0, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:38:39', 3, '2019-11-12 11:38:39', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776713909605089, '0000', '研发部', '', 102, ',100,102,', 0, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:38:50', 3, '2019-11-12 11:38:50', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_org` VALUES (643776757199016769, '0000', '销售部', '', 102, ',100,102,', 2, b'1', '', '2019-11-12 11:39:00', 3, '2019-11-12 11:39:00', 3); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for c_core_station -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_core_station`; CREATE TABLE `c_core_station` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '组织ID\n#c_core_org', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '状态', `describe_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='岗位'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of c_core_station -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (100, '0000', '总经理', 643775904077582049, b'1', '总部-1把手', '2019-07-10 17:03:03', 1, '2019-11-16 09:59:17', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (101, '0000', '副总经理', 643775904077582049, b'1', '总部-2把手', '2019-07-22 17:07:55', 1, '2019-11-16 09:59:21', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (642032719487828225, '0000', '研发经理', 643776594376135105, b'1', '子公司-研发部老大', '2019-11-07 16:08:49', 3, '2019-11-16 09:53:42', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645199319300842081, '0000', '副总经理', 101, b'1', '子公司-老大', '2019-11-16 09:51:45', 3, '2019-11-16 09:53:50', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645199745026892801, '0000', '产品经理', 643776633823564321, b'1', '子公司-产品部老大', '2019-11-16 09:53:27', 3, '2019-11-16 09:54:01', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200064280536545, '0000', '人事经理', 643775612976106881, b'1', '子公司-综合老大', '2019-11-16 09:54:43', 3, '2019-11-16 09:54:43', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200151886964289, '0000', 'Java工程师', 643776594376135105, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:55:04', 3, '2019-11-16 09:55:04', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200250243393185, '0000', '需求工程师', 643776633823564321, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:55:27', 3, '2019-11-16 09:55:27', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200304014370561, '0000', 'UI工程师', 643776633823564321, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:55:40', 3, '2019-11-16 09:55:40', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200358959753057, '0000', '运维工程师', 643776594376135105, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:55:53', 3, '2019-11-16 09:55:53', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200405453612993, '0000', '前台小姐姐', 643775612976106881, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:56:04', 3, '2019-11-16 09:56:04', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200545698555937, '0000', '人事经理', 643776668917305985, b'1', '北京分公司-综合部老大', '2019-11-16 09:56:38', 3, '2019-11-16 09:56:38', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200670781089921, '0000', '研发经理', 643776713909605089, b'1', '北京分公司-研发部老大', '2019-11-16 09:57:07', 3, '2019-11-16 09:57:07', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200806559099105, '0000', '销售经理', 643776757199016769, b'1', '北京销售部老大', '2019-11-16 09:57:40', 3, '2019-11-16 09:57:40', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200885772724545, '0000', '行政', 643776668917305985, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:57:59', 3, '2019-11-16 09:57:59', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645200938289605025, '0000', '大前端工程师', 643776713909605089, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:58:11', 3, '2019-11-16 09:58:11', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201064705927681, '0000', '销售员工', 643776757199016769, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 09:58:41', 3, '2019-11-16 09:58:41', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201184268757601, '0000', '销售总监', 643775664683486689, b'1', '总部2把手', '2019-11-16 09:59:10', 3, '2019-11-16 09:59:10', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201307765844833, '0000', '财务总监', 643776324342648929, b'1', '总部2把手', '2019-11-16 09:59:39', 3, '2019-11-16 09:59:39', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201405757369281, '0000', '市场经理', 643776407691858113, b'1', '总部市场部老大', '2019-11-16 10:00:03', 3, '2019-11-16 10:00:03', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201481133206561, '0000', '销售总监', 643776508795556193, b'1', '总部销售部老大', '2019-11-16 10:00:21', 3, '2019-11-16 10:00:21', 3); INSERT INTO `c_core_station` VALUES (645201573391117441, '0000', '前端工程师', 643776594376135105, b'1', '普通员工', '2019-11-16 10:00:43', 3, '2019-11-16 10:00:43', 3); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for f_attachment -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `f_attachment`; CREATE TABLE `f_attachment` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `biz_id` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '业务ID', `biz_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '业务类型\n#AttachmentType', `data_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'IMAGE' COMMENT '数据类型\n#DataType{DIR:目录;IMAGE:图片;VIDEO:视频;AUDIO:音频;DOC:文档;OTHER:其他}', `submitted_file_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '原始文件名', `group_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'FastDFS返回的组\n用于FastDFS', `path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'FastDFS的远程文件名\n用于FastDFS', `relative_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件相对路径', `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件访问链接\n需要通过nginx配置路由,才能访问', `file_md5` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件md5值', `context_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件上传类型\n取上传文件的值', `filename` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '唯一文件名', `ext` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '后缀\n (没有.)', `size` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '大小', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织ID\n#c_core_org', `icon` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '图标', `create_month` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建年月\n格式:yyyy-MM 用于统计', `create_week` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时处于当年的第几周\nyyyy-ww 用于统计', `create_day` varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建年月日\n格式: yyyy-MM-dd 用于统计', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', `update_user` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改人', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='附件'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for f_file -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `f_file`; CREATE TABLE `f_file` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `data_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'IMAGE' COMMENT '数据类型\n#DataType{DIR:目录;IMAGE:图片;VIDEO:视频;AUDIO:音频;DOC:文档;OTHER:其他}', `submitted_file_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '原始文件名', `tree_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT ',' COMMENT '父目录层级关系', `grade` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '层级等级\n从1开始计算', `is_delete` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除\n#BooleanStatus{TRUE:1,已删除;FALSE:0,未删除}', `folder_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '父文件夹ID', `url` varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件访问链接\n需要通过nginx配置路由,才能访问', `size` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '文件大小\n单位字节', `folder_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '父文件夹名称', `group_` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'FastDFS组\n用于FastDFS', `path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'FastDFS远程文件名\n用于FastDFS', `relative_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件的相对路径 ', `file_md5` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'md5值', `context_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件类型\n取上传文件的值', `filename` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '唯一文件名', `ext` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件名后缀 \n(没有.)', `icon` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '文件图标\n用于云盘显示', `create_month` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时年月\n格式:yyyy-MM 用于统计', `create_week` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时年周\nyyyy-ww 用于统计', `create_day` varchar(12) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时年月日\n格式: yyyy-MM-dd 用于统计', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改人', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, FULLTEXT KEY `FU_TREE_PATH` (`tree_path`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='文件表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for m_order -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_order`; CREATE TABLE `m_order` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称', `education` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学历\n@InjectionField(api = "orderServiceImpl", method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD, dictType = DictionaryType.EDUCATION) RemoteData', `nation` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '民族\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_FEIGN_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD, dictType = DictionaryType.NATION) RemoteData\n', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织ID\n#c_core_org\n@InjectionField(api = ORG_ID_FEIGN_CLASS, method = ORG_ID_NAME_METHOD) RemoteData', `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '编号', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='订单(用于测试)'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for m_product -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `m_product`; CREATE TABLE `m_product` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称', `stock` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '库存', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` text COMMENT '商品类型\n#ProductType{ordinary:普通;gift:赠品}', `type2` longtext COMMENT '商品类型2\n#{ordinary:普通;gift:赠品;}', `type3` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学历\n@InjectionField(api = DICTIONARY_ITEM_FEIGN_CLASS, method = DICTIONARY_ITEM_METHOD, dictType = DictionaryType.EDUCATION) RemoteData\n', `status` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态', `test4` tinyint(10) DEFAULT NULL, `test5` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '时间', `test6` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '日期', `parent_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `label` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称', `sort_value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `test7` char(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'xxx\n@InjectionField(api = “userApi”, method = USER_ID_NAME_METHOD) RemoteData', `user_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户\n@InjectionField(api = USER_ID_FEIGN_CLASS, method = USER_ID_NAME_METHOD) RemoteData', `org_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织\n@InjectionField(api = ORG_ID_FEIGN_CLASS, method = "findOrgNameByIds") RemoteData', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='商品(用于测试)'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for mail_provider -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mail_provider`; CREATE TABLE `mail_provider` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `mail_type` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'TENCENT' COMMENT '邮箱类型\n#MailType{SINA:新浪;QQ:腾讯;WY163:网易}', `username` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '邮箱账号', `password` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '邮箱授权码', `host` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '主机', `port` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '端口', `protocol` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '协议', `auth` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否进行用户名密码校验', `name` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称', `description` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '描述', `properties` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '属性', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='邮件供应商'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for mail_send_status -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mail_send_status`; CREATE TABLE `mail_send_status` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `task_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '任务id\n#mail_task', `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '收件邮箱', `mail_status` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNREAD' COMMENT '邮件状态\r\n#MailStatus{UNREAD:未读;READ:已读;DELETED:已删除;ABNORMAL:异常;VIRUSES:病毒;TRASH:垃圾}', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人id', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='邮件发送状态'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for mail_task -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mail_task`; CREATE TABLE `mail_task` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `status` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'WAITING' COMMENT '执行状态\r\n#TaskStatus{WAITING:等待执行;SUCCESS:执行成功;FAIL:执行失败}', `provider_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发件人id\n#mail_provider', `to` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '收件人\n多个,号分割', `cc` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '抄送人\n多个,分割', `bcc` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '密送人\n多个,分割', `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '主题', `body` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COMMENT '正文', `err_msg` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发送失败原因', `sender_code` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发送商编码', `plan_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '计划发送时间\n(默认当前时间,可定时发送)', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='邮件任务'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for msgs_center_info -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `msgs_center_info`; CREATE TABLE `msgs_center_info` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `biz_id` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '业务ID\n业务表的唯一id', `biz_type` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '业务类型\n#MsgsBizType{USER_LOCK:账号锁定;USER_REG:账号申请;WORK_APPROVAL:考勤审批;}', `msgs_center_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NOTIFY' COMMENT '消息类型\n#MsgsCenterType{WAIT:待办;NOTIFY:通知;PUBLICITY:公告;WARN:预警;}', `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '标题', `content` text COMMENT '内容', `author` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发布人', `handler_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '处理地址\n以http开头时直接跳转,否则与#c_application表拼接后跳转\nhttp可带参数', `handler_params` varchar(400) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '处理参数', `is_single_handle` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '是否单人处理', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人id', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后修改人', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='消息中心表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for msgs_center_info_receive -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `msgs_center_info_receive`; CREATE TABLE `msgs_center_info_receive` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `msgs_center_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '消息中心ID\n#msgs_center_info', `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '接收人ID\n#c_user', `is_read` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否已读\n#BooleanStatus', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='消息中心接收表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sms_send_status -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_send_status`; CREATE TABLE `sms_send_status` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `task_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '任务ID\n#sms_task', `send_status` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'WAITING' COMMENT '发送状态\n#SendStatus{WAITING:等待发送;SUCCESS:发送成功;FAIL:发送失败}', `receiver` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '接收者手机号\n单个手机号', `biz_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发送回执ID\n阿里:发送回执ID,可根据该ID查询具体的发送状态 腾讯:sid 标识本次发送id,标识一次短信下发记录 百度:requestId 短信发送请求唯一流水ID', `ext` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发送返回\n阿里:RequestId 请求ID 腾讯:ext:用户的session内容,腾讯server回包中会原样返回 百度:无', `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '状态码\n阿里:返回OK代表请求成功,其他错误码详见错误码列表 腾讯:0表示成功(计费依据),非0表示失败 百度:1000 表示成功', `message` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '状态码的描述', `fee` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '短信计费的条数\n腾讯专用', `create_month` varchar(7) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建时年月\n格式:yyyy-MM 用于统计', `create_week` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建时年周\n创建时处于当年的第几周 yyyy-ww 用于统计', `create_date` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建时年月日\n格式: yyyy-MM-dd 用于统计', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='短信发送状态'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sms_task -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_task`; CREATE TABLE `sms_task` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '短信记录ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `template_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '模板ID\n#sms_template', `status` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'WAITING' COMMENT '执行状态\n(手机号具体发送状态看sms_send_status表) \n#TaskStatus{WAITING:等待执行;SUCCESS:执行成功;FAIL:执行失败}', `source_type` varchar(10) DEFAULT 'APP' COMMENT '来源类型\n#SourceType{APP:应用;SERVICE:服务}\n', `receiver` text COMMENT '接收者手机号\n群发用英文逗号分割.\n支持2种格式:\n1: 手机号,手机号 \n2: 姓名<手机号>,姓名<手机号>', `topic` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '主题', `template_params` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '参数 \n需要封装为{‘key’:’value’, ...}格式\n且key必须有序\n\n', `send_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发送时间', `content` varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '发送内容\n需要封装正确格式化: 您好,张三,您有一个新的快递。', `draft` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否草稿', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人ID', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='发送任务\n所有的短息发送调用,都视为是一次短信任务,任务表只保存数据和执行状态等信息,\n具体的发送状态查看发送状态(#sms_send_status)表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sms_template -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_template`; CREATE TABLE `sms_template` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '模板ID', `tenant_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '租户编码', `provider_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '供应商类型\n#ProviderType{ALI:OK,阿里云短信;TENCENT:0,腾讯云短信;BAIDU:1000,百度云短信}', `app_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '应用ID', `app_secret` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '应用密码', `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SMS服务域名\n百度、其他厂商会用', `custom_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '模板编码\n用于api发送', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '模板名称', `content` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '模板内容', `template_params` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '模板参数', `template_code` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '模板CODE', `sign_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '签名', `template_describe` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注', `create_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建人ID', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', `update_user` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后修改人', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后修改时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `UN_CODE` (`custom_code`,`tenant_code`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='短信模板'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for undo_log -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `undo_log`; CREATE TABLE `undo_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'increment id', `branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'branch transaction id', `xid` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'global transaction id', `context` varchar(128) NOT NULL COMMENT 'undo_log context,such as serialization', `rollback_info` longblob NOT NULL COMMENT 'rollback info', `log_status` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '0:normal status,1:defense status', `log_created` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'create datetime', `log_modified` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'modify datetime', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`,`branch_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='AT transaction mode undo table'; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;